previous episode
space probes; episode three: 'baby'
oribiting planets fucks you up sometimes
oh cool a new friend?
transmission from
nah man just some fuckin rock
Accept transmission?
...why would she be transmitting me
Accept transmission?
this is weird
Accept transmission?
How are you transmitting me wtf
I thought we were out of orbit
you transmitted me first???
I don't even remember doing that
Anyways bye
Transmission ended.
that feels really mean
i can't believe i got my hopes up
'And we were together, when we wwre 15...'
'But nothing is real then, you know what I mean?'
Yo Luna
Just listen
I need my stuff back baby
I need my stuff back baby please
Can we meet up tomorrow
yeah ok, i'll be there
I'll give you your jumpers and stuff back
Can I have my jacket back
yeah, i would've given it back anyways
Transmission ended.