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> eleanor's personal space

001. Introductory

17/03/25, 12:40pm

I said I'd start a blog here and I'm not going the be the first person to partially lie to you, statistically. ... I'm going to try and update this as much as possible as a means of getting my feelings out in a healthy way that doesn't cost more then $8 a month (which, tbf, I was already paying for supporter to have a custom domain on my other site which I run for my radio show).
Usually as a writing blog, I kept up a sports blog on a popular sport here, and wrote thousands of words twice a week for 27 weeks out of the year. It took a lot from me, but given when I last held it I worked less, I had less school work and less commmitments than I do now, it was easier. It's become too hard to create that this year, so I will take this year and next year off from doing it while I complete high school. I decided to wrtite space probes because they're 2 things; quick and based on things that happen to me in real life. Like it says on the home page, each satellite is based off a real friend of mine, who read these when they come out on my close frienfs story on Instagram. I can write one in about 20 minutes if I have a good enough idea. The blog used to take me hours.
It's cold out here in the vacuum of space.
- Ellie